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Why A Community?

For a lot of reasons. Here's just a few:

a resource for


As working mothers, we are all too familiar with the ever-elusive notion of work-life balance and while most of us have come to recognize that a 50/50 balance is simply impossible, it doesn’t mean that we can’t achieve a workable balance –on our own terms— for our own lives. Our community provides you with real stories and real education from women who have achieved their own working and ever-evolving definition of balance for themselves, their families, and their careers. You can’t be your best in every facet of your life all at once, but you can show up as your best and fully present self for each facet individually; the Moms Making Six Figures Community will help you to find, achieve, and maintain balance from the demands of motherhood to the boardroom, and every facet in between.

The ever-changing

Career Path

If the last decade has taught us anything, it’s that the world and the workplace are in a constant state of change, and that the only certainty is the lack thereof. But change does not have to equate to fear; instead, it can be the catalyst for our personal and professional growth. The Moms Making Six Figures Community is comprised of women who have both embraced change, and overcome its challenges, to achieve more success and fulfillment than they ever thought possible. When we are empowered and supported with the resources necessary to take the next leap, we can willingly answer the knock of opportunity disguised as change.

Investing in


We’ve all heard and understand the oxygen mask analogy as it pertains to making ourselves a priority in our own lives, and yet many of us are still tending to everyone else’s needs first, utterly depleting ourselves in the process. The truth is that martyrdom in motherhood is the exact opposite of selfless; in order to invest in others well, we must first invest in ourselves. The Moms Making Six Figures Community is here to inspire, educate, empower and champion every working mother as they invest in their own growth; we know that the return on that investment will be ten fold as your children, career, and community grow alongside you. Here you’ll find the tools and the support you need to continue your own success journey while clearing the path for others.

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